“Find the structure of common chemicals in its simplest form” – [S5] Free Online Chemistry Practice Exam (click on Chemistry type checker) “Find the structure of common chemicals in its simplest form by using a template.” FREE Online Chemistry Practice Exam (click on Chemistry type checker) “Find the structure of common chemicals in its simplest form by using a template.” Click on Chemistry Type Checker) Choose a type. Click on ‘static’. ‘Read through’ to start.
After the students completed the course, one of them came to me and said that there were five answer choices for this question. She was unable to determine the correct answer. I then spoke with the other teachers and they all told me the same story.
In fact, it appears that the answer choices were deliberately chosen to be the easiest ones so as to increase the difficulty level of the multiple choice answers. To fix this problem, you need to alter the question.
A second question was: “Create a list of common chemical structures by combining basic ingredients.” This question was presented using the FREE Online Chemistry Practice Exam above. Students are instructed to choose two or three structures. They are then asked to demonstrate these structures to the lecturer.
One of the answer choices was: “The first structure consists of a three oxygen atom and hydrogen. The second structure consists of three carbon atoms and two hydrogen atoms.” Students were also instructed to “Write down all the oxygen atoms, try to create a complete structure, and provide proof if possible.”
Another answer was: “Both of the first structures can be combined together and created into the structure above. The first structure consists of a three oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms.” Students were instructed to write down all the oxygen atoms, create a complete structure, and provide proof if possible.
Finally, we created some additional answers. In addition to the questions posed above, we presented students with another structure that consisted of an oxyhydrogen atom. Students were instructed to type these two structures into the box provided in the Free Online Chemistry Practice Exam.
Here are the three types of answers. Which one was correct? I chose the answer listed above.
The answers I chose had been intentionally chosen. Students in fact chose the first answer choice because it is easier to write, easier to “create”, and easier to find compared to the second answer choice.
The bottom line is that teachers need to pay attention to the type of questions that students are given on a free online chemistry practice exam. If students are given several easy questions, then it is very easy to cheat.
The issue becomes even more obvious when students are given multiple choice answers that are difficult to get right. This is why teachers need to assess the difficulty of the multiple choice answers on a daily basis. If the questions appear too easy, then it is highly likely that students will be cheating.
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