Most high school students struggle with some of the most basic concepts in organic chemistry. These are the kinds of problems that can be solved by using a study guide designed for organic chemistry.
It’s no surprise then that nearly one-fifth of all high school students fail to take organic chemistry. And as many as half of those fail to pass. Yet this is the subject that is often used as a springboard to earn college credit.
So how does one coach the next batch of organic chemistry majors? One approach is to use the eLearning tools that are included in every edition of the textbook. Another approach is to hire someone to do the examination for you.
Both approaches are effective, but it’s good to know that the textbook publisher Edexcel can help. There are numerous great resources that will help you get your students ready for the organic chemistry exam.
For example, they have developed a Resource Kit to supplement the eBooks and other materials in the course. This kit provides a complete review of organic chemistry and important subjects to learn.
The curriculum focuses on identifying students’ strengths and weaknesses. The resulting summaries of strengths and weaknesses include skills gaps and critical thinking skills. This will help your students understand topics from multiple perspectives.
They also offer a Survey that the students can take to help them understand their strengths and weaknesses. The Survey includes some of the most commonly used topics as well as the link to the Resource Kit.
When the Resources work hand in hand with the textbook, students can focus on the theories in organic chemistry. In addition, they can master the concepts and methods required to solve real problems on the exam.
You should also consider getting someone to do the exam for you. With a question bank built for organic chemistry, your students will study efficiently.
You can always design a test or study guide yourself, but it’s better to have someone else do it for you. A study guide and practice exam will allow you to find the answers to your students’ questions before they ask them on the exam.
This will also allow you to prepare effectively for the exam. You can give your students an idea of what to expect on the exam, but you can’t prepare for the exam without taking the time to provide the students with a realistic exam.
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