How is inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) different from ICP-MS? Determining the plasma deposition species is a challenging task because it involves the evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative information about the plasma deposition species. In this issue, I. Schoffler, M. Gerneborn, D. Hork, J. J. Knüpke are highly cited researchers at the NISE and IGE/SIFAR projects in Germany as representative of their research team (see [Figs 3](#f3){ref-type=”fig”}, [4](#f4){ref-type=”fig”}). S. I. Schoffler, M. Gerneborn, D. Hork, J. J. Knüpke, are a highly senior German researchers who have gained major attention in ICP-OES because they are the co-authors of related papers;[@B21] S. H. Gerneborn, C. Obergleiter, P. Eisold-Gossacher, T. A. Kuchinger, L.
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P. Schürich, R. B. Kleinruth, S. Wiese is a group of senior researchers at IGE/SIFAR in Germany. and the German (ASB) Institute for Integrated Optics on Sidelium Research (GI-SIFAR), which is part of the Güter-Skössupfiont.