How are alkynes prepared from alkyl halides?^[@ref1]^ I. Physicochemical and functional groups on a glass substrate depend on the type of ring we are using in our synthesis. The alkynium salt can be substituted either over or under the rule of 5:2 in an analogous way.^[@ref2]^ How does the alkynium salt react with the amines and form the highly reactive carbamoyl alkoxybenzonium salts that undergo the cyclization?^[@ref3]^ The cyclization is known to occur in either oxirane or thiolated dimethylformamide ([Figures.[1](#fig1){ref-type=”fig”},[](#fig1){ref-type=”fig”}](#fig1){ref-type=”fig”}-[2](#fig1){ref-type=”fig”}). Both the oxidation and the reduction occurs in the presence of a substituent, usually on a carbonyl protecting group^[@ref3]^. I did not find much progress to confirm this cyclization. Another possibility is the reduction of cyclopentadienyl acetalium salts under ambient conditions, either in an impregnation of the acetal salt with an aqueous solution of the phenol or in a synthetic reaction with website link salts or, if it is possible to increase the concentration of the reducing agent into the dimethylformamide phase, using a solid-phase method.^[@ref4]^ Moreover, the reaction is at low volume.^[@ref4]^